Currently Not Available!

Unfortunately we are not able to run Mountain Boarding at the moment. This is due to a land access issue. We still have kit and hope to continue it in the future. In the meantime, if you know a hill and the land owners permission to run the activity we might be able to sort something out.

Mountain Boarding Information

A mountain board is like a big skateboard with four small tyres. Mountain boarding feels like snowboarding on grass. We run introductory and progressive sessions of mountain boarding at our featured slope. Nestled up in a valley you get scenic views of the local area as you learn about the boards, the safety equipment and how to turn and stop safely.

Mountain boarding is a great activity for developing your balance, co-ordination, core body muscles and confidence as you take on the slope. The activity is suitable for those aged ten years and above. Small children may struggle to have the weight to control the board. This can work well as part of an activity day or as a session on its own.

Important Activity Information

  • Trousers are strongly recommended to prevent friction burns from the wheel.
  • Long sleeves are advisable for comfort as you will be wearing elbow pads.
  • A bottle of water.
See All Activity Requirements